TRIPLE SIX - Episode 03

Episode Summary

As the world closes in all around him, Riley realizes his dire situation as a contestant. Starring Joe Stevens, John Hall, June Griffin Garcia, Tony Bartys, Mark Connelly Wilson, Mav Niu, Bill Taylor, Eddie Zihlman, Jay Mitchell with Roneta Davis and Mark Vassberg

Episode Transcription

Triple Six

Episode Three


Sean Patrick Bridges

Production Draft -- FINAL VERSION


Audible Parade Productions. An Audio Story presentation. Triple Six. By Sean Patrick Bridges. Episode Three.



Las Vegas at night, ambient noise. Riley shivers and shakes.


Don’t look down. Stop it. You’re gonna kill yourself. You’re good. You’ve gotta stop shivering. Don’t. No. Don’t lose it. Move.

A GUST of cold wind. It cuts through him like a blade.


So cold. Shivering. Fight it. Make you crazy. This is crazy. Don’t step. Just inch forward. Slide. A little. There you go. Inch. Worm. Inch. Worm. Keep going.

Wind dies down to a steady hum from the street below.


(fear & cold) Can you feel me, Brynn? I know you can. I can feel you too. I’m right here, Baby. I’m getting close. Almost there.

Shoes scrape down the beam. He stops.


So cold. Don’t stop. Do not. Inch right. Inch left. Inch. Worm. Inch.

He takes a step. And another.


One. And two. Yes. That’s it. Keep moving. There you go. Wooo--Ohhhh. Woah, woah.

He wobbles on the beam. A harsh GUST of wind hits.



Air conditioner units hum. Shoes shift in the gravel.


There he goes. Fall. Fall.


You are too eager, my friend.


No. He’s hanging on. He’s got it. Still in the game.


I’ll give him a few seconds more. The wind will be his downfall.


Stay up there, you lucky bastard. Come on. Come on. Stay up.


Shall we double our wager? I’m game. I have faith in him.


Yeesh. That’s a done deal. (chuckles) He’s street pizza.

Two Guards stand with Black. Guards speak in whispers.

     GUARD 1

Hey. Heeey.

     GUARD 2

Shut up. Watch your prisoner.

     GUARD 1

Why you worryin’ about this bound Frog here. He ain’t going anywhere. Money down. Fifty says he makes it.

     GUARD 2

Oh yeah? Just gimme the cash now.

     GUARD 1

Fifty. On the barrel-head.


(to himself, in French) You monsters. This is my choice.

     GUARD 2

I don’t see any green. Cough it up. Let’s see it.


(to himself, in French) And my choice is. No.

Black SPRINGS AWAY and skids through the gravel.


(shouts, in French) No. I will not play.

     GUARD 2

Shit. Grab that guy. Oh, shit.


Stop that contestant, this instant.

     GUARD 1

Where you goin’, rabbit? Huh?

Black whimpers; panic seizes him.


Enough. There is no escape. There’s nowhere else to go. You’re stuck. Easy. Take it nice and easy.

Guard One grabs him. They struggle.

     GUARD 1

I got em’. I got em’.


(in French) I will. Not. Play--

Black shoves back, and FALLS OFF the roof. He CLIPS THE BEAM, and plummets. His high-pitched SCREAM echoes down.

Riley in a panic, pinwheels on the beam.


Foul. That’s a foul, God-damn it. He clipped the beam.


Give your Man his last rites.


Who cares? It doesn’t count anyway. That was a clear violation. Am I right? You all saw it.

He clutches the beam. He breathes himself calm.


Gravity and fortune are on his side. No need to say goodbye. Your contestant survives.


That he does. But this game tilts. On interference. Contestant Black is out. Monte Carlo must be notified immediately.


I’m taking the penalty.


Of course. Theo is accountable. Friends. My apologies. My two guards here were, inadequate. Please accept my mea culpa.



Riley breathes heavy. He’s on the verge of hyperventilating.


Balance. Okay, okay. You’re good. There you go. Inch. Worm. That’s right. Slow. Calm. Straight ahead.

Riley totters and sways in the ether.


Can’t stay here forever. You gotta move. Come on. Move your feet.

He waits for a lull in the wind. A SHARP PAIN hits him.


Owww! Shit. My leg. Oh, that hurts. No. Stay up. Please, don’t. Oww. Fuckin’ cramp. Just..ohhh. Nooo.

Fear takes hold. He tries to breathe his calm back. Steady.


Hold it. Hold on. Don’t fall. Please don’t fall. Oww, oww, (sobs) Muscle’s..can’t move. Slippin’. No--

He SLIPS OFF. An ANGUISHED CRY as he keeps a death grip on the beam.


He’s done. Game over.


Hang on, Riley.


You’re still here. Pull yourself up. Do it. Your legs are shot, but your arms are fresh.

He uses up his strength to pull himself up onto the beam.


Good job. You did it.

He stays pressed against the steel beam.


Your legs are shot. Your arms are fresh. Wait. Do it like this. Flat on your belly. Legs on either side. (giggles to himself) There’s the balance. Now. Pull. Yes. Yes. (laughs out loud) Real good. This is easy. Pull again. I got this.

At the rooftop edge. Sponsors watch his progress.


He’s crawling. How is that fair? He’s a cheat.


You’re rather harsh. I would call him, resourceful.


Yes. Clever. It’s a fair move.

Their words lost in the wind. Riley continues to crawl.


Brynn. I see you, Baby. I’m nearly there. I know you can hear me now.

He closes in. His voice no more than a croak.


Almost there. We’re free. We’re going home. I’m taking you home.

He shoves and falls onto a gravel roof. Completely drained.




I did it. I’m here. Oh God. Brynn.

He gets no response.


Don’t be scared. I made it. I did. I got you. We can go home.

Riley crawls in the gravel. Towards the silent figure.


What have they done to you? Here I am. Get this sheet off of you. Look at me, Baby. I’m here.

He grabs and snatches away the long bedsheet with a snap.

Riley starts to laugh. It melts into an anguished sob.

A voice calls out, across the chasm.


Sir. Are you okay?


(to himself) A doll. A fuckin’ blow-up doll. You switched her. You fuckin’ monsters. What have you done with my wife?


They’re all gone, Sir. It’s just me and you. Talk to me. (beat) Hello.


(shouts out) Where is my wife.


I have no idea.

Riley shakes with anger. He stands and scrapes in the gravel.


You think this is funny? Do you? I’m getting out. You hear me?


I do. Good luck.

Riley strides across the gravel. Large air conditioner fans whir. Riley heads for a maintenance door. He TRIES THE HANDLE. It’s LOCKED.


God damned, locked, fuckin’ door. Get me off this roof. Come on.

He tries another door. It opens into a stairwell.


There we go. Stairs.

He takes two steps at a time. Door squeaks closed.



The casino FLOOR BECKONS. A hotel GREETER mans a stool by the casino entrance.


Yes, parking elevators are to your right. Hope you enjoyed yourself.

(to Riley, cheery) Hey. Welcome back. There’s no way you make it out of here alive.


What? What did you just say to me?


(surprised) I said. Welcome. Welcome, Sir.


Bullshit. That’s not what you said.


Yes. It is. Mister. Are you okay? Can I get you some help?

He’s sincere. Riley isn’t sure. He heads for the floor.


No. Leave me alone.



A SYMPHONY of noise over the steady drone of the CROWD. -- play with something in the SOUND MIX, Blurred VOICES, chitter of insects, obscure instruments. Build an audible paranoia. (Hitchcock nod, Man With The Golden Arm feel.)

Fade Out Paranoia Mix and Fade In FORTUNE TELLER sales pitch.


Oh for the powers these gifts give us. To see ourselves, as others see us. Zoltan knows all. He see’s all. Care to try your luck?


A call. Where can I make one?


House phones are in the lobby.


How ‘bout a pay phone?


Do those things still exist?


What? You’re the fortune teller. You tell me.


(to Riley) Get lost, huh. You cramp my style.


Style. Is that what you call it. Good luck with that. Asshole.


(to casino floor) Zoltan can see you’re a winner. Give the money wheel a spin. How about you, Ma'am? Step right up.

Riley heads away from the table, into the casino crowd.


(confused) I gotta find a phone. Call the Cops. I don’t know where to go.

Riley paces with the dense crowd. He freezes. SECURITY CHIEF calls out.


Mr. Banks. Hey. Riley. Stop.

MUSIC CUE: Chase. Fast, quick. Running. Bits of dialogue.

Riley heads back the way he came. Teller fades in and out.


Zoltan sees a fortune. You, Sir. Try your luck at the big wheel.

Riley keeps moving. Security Chief in pursuit.


I said, stop. (microphone f/x) Banks is a runner. He’s heading for the lobby.

Riley dodges through the BUSY floor. The bells and whistles of an army of slot machines pulsate.




Just a second, Folks.


Make a line here. Right here.


(radio mic squelch) Moby Li and entourage, on the move. Ms. Grayson’s got the lead.


Right this way, Mr. Liu. As always. However we can make your stay more comfortable, please let us know. Our casino is your casino.


(radio mic squelch) We’re taking them across the floor. Heading for the Hughes suites.


I took the liberty to set aside a table at the Hyakida Steakhouse, the Kobe beef is quite exquisite.

Riley COLLIDES INTO Whale. Confusion. Suits roughhouse.


Sorry. Sorry. My bad.


Down. Stay down. Don’t move.


Get off me. Hell is your problem.


Wait. I know him. Mr. Arab Sheik. He’s a guest. Let him go. Please attend to Mr. Liu. Bao Chien. Wuo Tsuo luh (x2). (a formal sorry & it’s my fault, in Mandarin)


(radio squelch) We are clear. Whale on the move. To the suites.


Please. You have to help me. They’re trying to kill me.


Oh my God. Calm down. I don’t see anybody now. The goons are gone. You’re safe here. What happened?


They have my wife. I need your help. The Police. Call them.


Of course. You. Contact Metro PD. Have them send the closest patrol in the area. (beat) Go. Now.


(jolts) Hey.


I didn’t mean to make you jump. I’m sorry. You’re gonna be fine.



We’re making a scene here. Let’s get off this floor. Shall we? We can wait in my office.


They have my wife. They took my phone when I was drugged. Please. Call the Police.


Yes. They’ll be here in minutes. This way. If you please.


...okay....I don’t know who to trust anymore.


You can trust me. Just relax.

Casino floor fades out to quiet.




Here we are. Please. Make yourself comfortable.


In the casino. I was drugged. I woke up on the roof. These people tried to kill me. How long till the Police get here?

Melanie grabs a seat in a squeaky office chair


My desk is always such a mess. I don’t even see it anymore.

She opens a drawer. And drops a thick folder on the desk.


They have my wife. They took her. They said she was there. But it wasn’t her. I mean she was there, but then she wasn’t. It was a God damned blow-up doll. I don’t know where my wife is.


Oh, I do. I believe you and I have business to attend. (beat) No one is coming to help you.


This is crazy. I’m walking out of here. Calling the Police.


No, you’re not. (Intercom sound f/x) Mr. Keller. Would you step inside. I believe you two know each other.


Nice to see you still alive, Sir. Let’s keep it that way.


What? You going to shoot me now?


Don’t make me do that.


There is one more formality. Before you’re eligible to participate. Wait. Here. I have a pen.

She takes a pen from her coat. Clicks it.


I didn’t do anything. I did nothing wrong. Why are you doing this to me?


Sir. Please. No need for emotion. This helps us all. I only require your signature. In triplicate.

He gathers his emotions, caught off-guard by surprise.


You want me to sign something?


Yes. This, stack of imposing paper. Is actually a legal document.




Endless pages that basically say you are an official contestant of Triple Six. And you are expected to play out all three rounds.


I don’t understand?


Which part?



She doesn’t respond. Room goes quiet. Riley’s a live wire.


I want my wife back. Our life back. And I want us to go home.

Melanie adjusts in her squeaky chair.


You are a participant in a game of chance. Triple Six. Six contestants. Six chambers in a revolver. And six sides of a die.

Riley doesn’t move. She gets up from her desk.


This requires no level of skill. There are no outside tricks or an inside edge. The outcome here is determined solely by luck.

She picks up the contract and comes around the desk.


One bullet, placed into a revolver. Spin the chamber. A contestant rolls a die. The face value dictates how many times the weapon is fired. Survive three rounds of play. For six million dollars.




The weapon is fired at you.


What? This isn’t real? You can’t just do this to people.


Yes, we can. We have for almost a decade. Big ten. I won’t pretend to understand your circumstances. My only concern here is for the game.


No. Not a chance. No way. Fuck. This. Fuck you. You can’t force me.


That is true. We can not. If you’re unwilling or unable to fulfill your end of the deal. Then your sponsor assumes all liability. It’s spelled out here in your contract. Take it. Read it over for yourself.

She holds out the folder. He doesn’t take it.


No. Rules? You’re gonna give me rules? I’ve got, crazy fuckin’ psychos, all around me, out to kill me. My life isn’t mine, and you’re--


Mr. Banks. Regardless of how you may feel. This is a gentlemen’s game. Psychos or otherwise.

She places the contract on the desk. Opens it.


In the past, some contestants have what we like to call, stage fright. It causes all sorts of headaches. Mostly, the customer isn’t happy.

She gets up from her squeaky chair.


By signing, it shows everyone involved, that you’re with the program. You’re of sound mind. Simply. You are the entertainment. And you’re expected to perform when the time comes. Do you follow me?

Melanie’s voice shows a hint of compassion.


No, I don’t follow you.

Double doors open. Steven walks in.


Hey Mels. Riley, buddy. I feel I can say that. Yes? You know, most of the action was on you bolting.

Steven greets Melanie with a friendly camaraderie.


I bet otherwise. You see, we are on the same wavelength. I thank you. My bank account thanks you. With your luck, I’ll take that Aruba sexpot for every Guilder she’s got.


You did this to me. You fuckin’..I’ll kill you.


Hey? That’s not very friendly.


You lied to me.


I told you your wife was there and she was. She had to leave early. That’s all.


You son of a bitch.

Riley lunges for Steven. Keller breaks it up.


Come on. Let’s not have that, Sir.


I’m glad you made it down the hard way. I knew you would.


I’m gonna get you, Steven. Or whatever the fuck your name is. You hear me. I’m gonna get you.


I hear you. See this contract. We need you to sign it. You mind?


Not a chance.

Riley takes and tosses the folder. Papers fall to the carpet. Steven chuckles at that.


I stretched the truth a bit. I’ll cop to that. I promise it won’t happen again. Mr. Keller. Keep your weapon on a hair trigger.


Go ‘head. Bring her in.


Yes, Mr. Sunner.

Keller opens the door. THUGS (O.S.) hold and hand over Brynn. She’s scared and confused.


Riley? Oh my God. Riley.


Stay back. Hey.


It’s alright. Give them a minute.


Brynn? It’s really you. Come here.

Riley and Brynn happily embrace.


You see, Riley. I’m not so hard to get along with.


I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again. I’m so sorry.


No, no, I shouldn’t have left. I’m sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.


I didn’t mean to make you leave.


You didn’t. It was a stupid fight. It was my fault.


No, it wasn’t your fault. I was terrible. I was moody. Upset. Riley. I’m pregnant. That’s why I’ve been...That’s why this trip... I’m..I’m pregnant.


You’re...we’re gonna have a family?


We’re gonna be a family. Yes we are.


Wow. You know, Buddy. I’m trying not to get all emotional here.


I can’t get anybody to talk to me. Who are they? Nobody will tell me anything. What do they want?


We’ll get out of here. I swear.


I mean, this is touching news. It warms my heart. It really does. Under different circumstances I’d break out the champagne, shoot some fireworks. But I’m afraid we must get down to business. Riley. Go on and take a step back. (beat) So it’s a staring contest, is it? (beat) Mr. Keller.

Keller cocks his gun.


You blinked. I win. Alright now. Mrs. Banks, Let’s have you take a seat, right here against the desk.


You’re using my desk? Great. Clean won’t cut it. I expect it replaced.


That’s fair enough. Deal.

Steven snaps open a large knife. Riley starts to move.


What are you doing with that knife?


(to Melanie) Is this name-plate solid wood?


Steven. It was a gift. Couldn’t you use something else.

Steven brings it up to Brynn’s mouth.


Naw, this’ll work. Bite down. I’m serious. Do it. You’ll thank me.

Brynn won’t. He forces it. She spits back GARBLED CURSES.


Riley. Don’t. Don’t make me pull this trigger.


Give me your arm. Stop struggling. Make that palm flat. (light-hearted) Will you just look at all this clutter.

Steven sweeps the desktop clean. It spills with a CRASH.


(enjoying himself) There. That’s much better, don’t you think. Flat palm. There you go.


Stop it. You’re hurting her. Take me. I should be in the chair. Me.


I am going to ask one more time. And if I don’t get what I want. I’m gonna cut your wife’s fingers off. One at a time. Until I do.

Brynn hisses as Steven slides the blade against her finger.

Riley gathers up the loose papers. Brynn weeps.


No. Don’t you cry now. Watch. You’ll see. The pen is mightier than the sword. Well, for your little finger’s sake, I hope.

Melanie clicks her pen. Riley takes it. He drops the stack of pages on the desk.


Sign here. And again, right here. One more. Initial. In that space. (takes the contract) There. He’s all done.

Steven STABS the knife into the desk. Brynn sobs in fear.


Thank you. Now. Did that have to be so difficult?

Riley goes for Brynn. They share an emotional embrace.


Why is this happening to us?


Shhh. Got you. I got you now. You’re okay. You’re with me.

Melanie gets the papers in order. She clicks the intercom button. It BUZZES.


Inform Mr. Nix. I have the contract signed. I am on my way. And bring in an escort. It’s time to put the bunny back in the box.

Melanie passes Two Thugs (O.S.). They go for Brynn.


Riley? No. What are you doing? Don’t touch me. Leave me alone.


Get away from her. Let her go.


Sir. Stand down.


Where are they taking me? Don’t let them. Riley. No. Stop. Help. Help.


God damn it. Get off her. She has nothing to do with this.


There’s no need for an outburst. We’ll be gentle. Get her cleaned up. She’s a mess for Christ sake.


Please. Don’t do this. Let her go.

Brynn STRUGGLES out the door. Steven suddenly grabs Riley.


Congratulations. You are an official contestant for this year’s Triple Six competition. I do hope you like the color blue.


Sir. Three shots. The Sponsors are gathering now.


Well, we can’t leave the others waiting. Blue Man, friend and comrade. Come join us.


I see you looking at that blade. You gonna make this crazy? Or easy?


Where are you taking me?


Heaven. A little sampler platter of it. I promise. On the Good Book. It’s a taste of paradise.


This way, Sir. To the elevator.



Steven slides an arm around Riley’s slumped shoulders.


Hey. Don’t look so down. Be more positive. Once again, you made the right decision. You’ve got guts.


Why are you doing this to me?

Keller hits the call button on the elevator.


I once bought this umbrella stand.

Made from the foot of an African elephant. Now I don’t know what possesses someone to make an umbrella stand out of an elephant’s foot? But to have it, cost 98,000. That was more than my father made in three years driving a tour bus.

The elevator DINGS. Doors slide open.


You know why I spent that kind of money? On an umbrella stand. And I live in a place where it never fuckin’ rains.



Doors slide closed and the elevator rapidly falls.


After stuff. My thing was mainly women. One. Two. Mix and match the races. Three. Throw in the toys. Watch a show. Jump in.


Back there, she said, take the bunny to the box. What does that mean? The box. What is that?


Now a Fella like yourself might not understand this. But I got bored. Yeah. Decadent playtime, it just lost the spark. You know?

Elevator stops. Doors open onto a BUSY casino floor.


Ahh. A place of endless suffering inhabited by the souls of the damned. Home sweet home.



The three head across the raucous gaming maze.


You asked me. Why am I doing this to you? It’s simple. Because I can.


Mr. Sunner, they’re waiting at the horseshoe bar. Come on, Riley. Keep it moving.


Why so quiet, Friend? I commend you. For staying alive tonight. You performed admirably. What happened on the roof. It wasn’t your fault.

CROWD noise. Excitement trumps desperation at the tables.


I had you down as a win. There you were, turning my gamble into a reality. But that klutzy French bastard had to go screw it all up. Nearly knocked you off the beam.

Electronic pulses rise and fall from rows of machines.


Very least. That was out of line. Unprofessional is what it was. I know. Accidents happen. Tilts, voids. You re-set. Or game over. But when two contestants are involved, that forces the sponsors to step up. We evaluate. Negotiate. And find a solution. Here we are. My kind of bar. Open up.


Hold on, Sir. They’ll unhook the velvet rope for us. We’re VIP.



Sponsors gathered around the polished surface. THEO BLANCO approaches Steven with his hand out. Steven shakes it.


Steven, mon dieu. What happened, was inexcusable. My choice in meat this year was obviously flawed. I offer you my sincere apology. Monte Carlo group extends one as well.


I accept, Theo. More than a hand shake. Give me a hug. Come on. There you go.


What the hell is this?


Restitution. Amends for the foul.


Fellow Players. The issue at hand is contestant interference. Sponsor Blue. Your penalty of choice.


Three shots.

Nix grabs three glasses. He lines them up on a tray.


Accoutrement. Three rock glasses. On a silver serving tray. Sponsor Black. Three shots. Do you accept?

Theo shakes off his nerves and stands tall at the bar.


For myself. For Monte Carlo. I do.


Very well. The Guards involved have been, eliminated. Three shots. Three glasses. In this game, two glasses contain death, or only one. And the decision at hand, is mine. This was not direct interference. (Steven starts to protest) It was accidental. Therefore, the two to one ratio here will be. Life. Do we all agree?




Unanimous. Good. Let us begin. Two glasses of gin. 

Nix grabs a bottle of Gin. A two-inch pour into two glasses.


What’s that he’s pouring?


Gin. For two of the glasses.


And what goes in the third one?


Hydrofluoric acid. Yeah, I know. It’s got a hell of a kick.

Riley watches Nix carefully pour the clear liquid into the third glass. He tops the acid with a splash of gin.


I dare not spill even a drop. And top it off with a splash of gin. Just for flavor. I call it my martini melt.


Mr. Nix, what is the current House money line?


Are off-site numbers still coming in? 7/2 in favor of not dead. But don’t quote me. Now, no peeking. Round and round she goes.

Nix rotates the glasses on the tray.


Ante is one hundred thousand. The game is no-limit. Please. Place your bets.


Care for a wager, Steven? I’ll even allow you to pick the stakes. Or are you content here just being a simple spectator?


In for a penny and a pound. Your money always looks better with me.


Who’s got the action. I’ve got 500 stacks. On life. I’ll give 3 to 1.


Half a big yard. You’re covered. Shall we sweeten the pot? Plus 300. Come on. Go 2? It’s now or never. At least make it worth my while.


How can they can do this? Out in front of everybody. We’re right off the floor. The only thing between us and them, is a velvet rope.


Rope’s enough. Bouncers keep the Gawkers moving. Plenty of bells and whistles to keep these sheep happy.

Nix brings up the silver tray. He carefully sets it down on the polished bar top.


Here we are, Monsieur Blanco. Three shots. Please prepare yourself.

Steven mentally makes a choice. Leans into Aruba Sponsor.


Our million from the roof. We can put that right here on the bar.


Why do you blow smoke? It’s rude.


I’ll give you, 2 to 1. Come on. Monte Carlo. What is that? Frenchmen who won’t even admit they’re French. Theo’s going down.


You sound so sure of yourself, Steven. Hmmm. My 2 against your 1? Yes. I believe we have a deal.


(pops champagne) Champagne all around. I chose, Krug Clos D’Ambonnay for this occasion.


Krug. 1995?


Of course.


Don’t be stingy on the pour, Nix.


Quite the treat. Rare. How many cases are still in circulation?


None. Only the best, my Dear.


This is a taste of royalty. Ganbei.


Cheers. The game begins. Monsieur Blanco. You have the floor.

Casino floor alive all around. Tension from the group. (I need a musical or electronic vignette to amp it up. Include Theo’s breathing. Casino sounds. Wordless tension).

Theo stands tall over the three tumblers.


Left. Right. Center. Which way? Which one? I choose. The center.

He doesn’t hesitate. He takes the drink, holds it in his mouth, and swallows. And slams the empty glass to the bar.


I live to play again.

Riley, Nix and Sponsors all watch. Theo gasps. And laughs


Gin. It’s Gin. Lucky Bastard.

Theo stiffens. His SMILE MELTS off his face. A HOLE BURNS through his cheeks. His CHIN ERODES AND DRIPS to the bar. He collapses. Dead. -- RECORD MIX of burns/melts/sizzles, human gurgles, pull apart a soft melon, acid & dissolve sound FX --


Awe, bad luck for Theo. Worse luck for you, Michelle. Your hand is gonna cramp, writing me all these checks tonight.


Since when do I take a check.

She gets up with a DUTCH CURSE at her lips.


More champagne?

Nix pours glasses for the Sponsors. Crystal flutes toasted.

Riley watches the Sponsors LAUGH and drink.


You see that? I’m on fire tonight. Burnin’. Since we’ve met. It’s fate, that’s what this is. We are off to the races, my friend.


Nobody cares? You casually melt faces. Play your little games out here in front of everybody. And nobody gives a damn.


It was Theo’s choice. The tourists all look happy to me. Know what your deal is? You worry too much.


Is the whole world in on this?


A luxury sky box.




The box. You asked where your wife was. There’s a massive underground complex. It’s just below our feet. That’s where she is. I swear.


You’re lying to me. Again.


Am I? Mr. Keller, show him the way.


Please come with me, Sir.

Steven returns to the good spirits of the winning Sponsors.

Fade down WELL-WISHES and Casino floor.